
5 DIY Weekend Preparedness and Survival Projects

Posted on the 17 September 2014 by Bklotzman @OrganizePrepper

Are you ready?

Let's get one thing straight - there is no such thing as a weekend prepper, a reservist prepper, or a part-time prepper.

Can you imagine a prepper who is only prepared to save the day and lead his family to safety if the disaster happens between 9 AM and 6 PM on a weekday? Or a prepper who can only survive on his own during daylight hours... in the summer?

No, surviving is a full-time job. After all, prepping for survival is a commitment that never takes a holiday, so you must always be on your guard. However, there are certain weekend survival projects and adventures that will:

  • Make you more prepared and more aware of survival tactics
  • Hone your camping, hiking, and survival skills
  • Help you bond with your family or camping buddies
  • Provide you with lots of adventurous exercise

Here are a few suggestions for weekend projects and outings that will be so engaging that you won't even notice that you're diligently working on your prepping skills.

Turn An Altoids Tin Into A Survival Kit

This one is so fun and challenging that it may take more than one weekend. Empty an Altoids tin and refill it with the smallest tools you can. Then pack it into your bug-out bag. Every micro emergency kit will be different, but here are some clever suggestions to get your creative juices flowing:

  1. Small steel striker or one of those magnesium strip "permanent matches" to be used for fire-starting
  2. Waterproof and windproof matches with striker rolled in a small zip-locked bag
  3. Several Tinder-Quick fire-starting tabs
  4. Candle that has been cut down to the height of the Altoids tin
  5. Photon Micro-Light II or other dependable coin-shaped cell battery
  6. Water purification tablets
  7. 50 feet of fishing line wound around a sewing machine bobbin
  8. 20 mm button compass for navigation
  9. Commando wire saw and X-Acto knife blades
  10. Small pack of antibiotic ointment
  11. Folding wallet knife
  12. Sewing needles, thread, and safety pins

Once you start, it's hard to stop. Think small and pack smart for the entire weekend, and you'll be surprised by how many useful items will fit into your micro emergency kit.

Have a Realistic Drill

Practice what you preach with planned or surprise drills for your family. Fire departments and first responders do it all the time, so you should do it periodically, as well. First, go over your evacuation and emergency communication plans. If you can't all leave together, do you have an emergency meeting place? Is every member aware of it?

You should also have a list of the few things you need to grab before you leave, depending on the circumstances, of course. Show your list to your spouse and kids to get some input. A mock disaster and evacuation drill might be just the event that gets your family thinking about being better prepared.

Get Your Important Documents In Order

Identification - Drivers license, birth certificates, social security cards, passports, marriage license

Property Records - Mortgage agreements, rental agreements, deeds

Photos/Videos – Take stock of all your valuables for an insurance inventory. Also, you should have written appraisals for valuable jewelry and collectibles.

Insurance Proof - You'll need copies of your policies for homeowners, health, life, disability, and car insurance.

Medical Records - Prescriptions, medical history, physician’s name and contact information

Personal - Address book, credit card copies (front and back), online passwords, emergency phone numbers

Update Your Food Storage Capacity

It's time to invest some effort into your food storage facilities, a key part of your preparations. If you don't have a special pantry or cupboard for emergency foodstuffs - why not? If you do, remember to reinforce the shelving, and you should also install a revolving Lazy Susan tray system.

Also, if you aren't aware of the foodstuffs rotation plan, it's a great way to keep your emergency supplies fresh. Use up older canned goods and dry food first, and then replace those with fresh cans. That way you'll have a "living" stockpile that you can rotate to keep current.

Start Growing Your Own

You can learn to grow simple vegetables in a wood-frame garden, a container garden, or even a window-sill garden. The idea of having a "green thumb" is a big myth; anyone can become a productive gardener with a little practice.

However you choose to practice your prepping and survival skills on the weekends, the important thing is involving others and spreading the word about getting prepared and staying prepared.

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