Diet & Weight Magazine

5 Best Chest Exercises With (How to Do) Guide

By Barun K.


What muscle building exercises can I perform, so I can get a bigger chest? This is a question that keeps coming from individuals looking to get puffed up muscles and get into shape.

You definitely don’t need to stress on this, but just stick to the basics and work hard with it.

The basics of muscle building is using different angles and doing reps to push every muscle in the body and ensure maximum growth.

Although doing simple exercises is going to be helpful, increasing the intensity is the key. This can be done by taking as little rest as possible between reps and you can achieve significant results.

Here are the 5 best chest exercises that can help you build chest muscle.

Let’s start!

1. Barbell Bench Press

barbell bench press

Weight lifting has a significant effect in every muscle building exercise.

The Barbell Bench press is one of many trainers’ favorite exercises on any chest day.

As you can work to generate more power with barbell lifts, you can work to move more weight. In comparison to picking up dumbbells, it is easier to lift these.

This exercise is also easy to learn. Additionally,there are a number of bench press programs that you can follow to gain muscle strength.

How to do it: Hold the barbell and lie on the bench, make sure that the barbell is above your sternum (just above your chest).

Now lower the barbell to your chest and then push it back up to its initial position. The wider your grip, the better the results.

Make sure you warm up with a set of 20 reps; keep adding more weight as you move on for the final set. Keep doing reps till you perform at least 10 reps with heavy weight till you get worked up.

2. Dumbbell Bench press

dumbbell bench press

When you choose to use dumbbells, each half of your body has to work independently. This definitely enhances your stabilizer muscles, as dumbbells are difficult to control in comparison to barbells.

Using the dumbbells, you are able to have better movement, when you get from the bottom to the top of the motion. The dumbbells bench press also allows you to pick a heavy weight and is the best option for you, especially if it has been a while since you have been doing barbell bench presses.

How to do it: Lie down on the bench on your back. Hold a pair of dumbbellsabove your chest, with palms facing towards your feet and arms straight.

Then lower the dumbbells towards your chest and then push them back to their initial position.

You can perform as many reps as you can, start with a set of 20 reps at minimum and do it till you reach muscle failure. Stretch yourself to the fullest when you go towards the bottom and push completely to the top to perform the best rep.

3. Sitting Machine Chest Press

Sitting Machine Chest Press

This is another very helpful exercise when you are looking to build up your chest. It definitely has some unique benefits, like it becomes easier for you to slow down the reps, while doing concentric and eccentric phases.

Also when you choose the stack loaded machines, it is better to performdrop sets.

How to do it:  You do need the machine, so if you don’t have it at your home, you will have to hit the gym.

You just need to adjust the desired weight that you want to press with and start pushing it towards your chest and away from it.

With a machine, it becomes easier for you to build mass and of course increase your performance and your chances to pump your pecs or chest muscles.

4. Dips for chest

Dips for chest

You have to do the right type of dips if you want to put the desired emphasis on the chest muscles.This chest exercise focuses more on the lower portion of the chest, increasing muscle. Chest dips work best for individuals who do not want to do bench presses.

How to do it: You will need two bars to make this work, make your grip as wide as possible. Your feet have to be bent behind you, you have to lean as forward as possible and also as you dip, let your elbows move outside.

Drop as low as you can and then pull yourself up by kicking hallway backwith your feet. Make sure you keep your body leaned forward sothe move emphasizes the chest muscles.

5. Push Ups

Push Ups

This is one of the traditional formsofexercise that help to build up muscles in the chest.

This has to be your final nail in the coffin, completing your whole package of chest exercises.

Look to complete 100 push ups in as few sets as possible. The reps have to be performed with very little rest in between them.

Of course it is not possible for an individual to start with 100 push ups on the first day, so you can start by doing 20-60 push ups, in sets of 5-10 reps and go on increasing it every day, till you achieve 100 easily.

How to do it: Lie down and get on your palms and toes, keep your hands below you on the ground and in line with your shoulders.

From this position, you go down and then push up again to get back to the initial plank position.

Remember the key is to complete as many reps as possible for every exercise you perform. Only then it forces the muscle to burst out and help you to get bigger chest.

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