Community Magazine


By Rubytuesday
I rarely share my weight with anyone
Mary knows my weight
My doctor knows my weight
My mother knows my weight
And one of my friends knows my weight
That is it
Weight is a very personal thing
Sharing that number is difficult for me
I worry what people will think
I worry that I will be judged
I worry that I will be compared to others
But because I'm trying so hard no to let this number define me
I thought I would share it with you in an effort to  make it less of a secret
I know my ED thrives on secrets
When I went in to treatment last year I was 42kg
When I left treatment I was slightly less
My weight then dropped to 40 kg after I came home
This is not the lowest that my weight has ever been
When I was younger my weight was consistently very low for a long time
Around 34kg
But as I have gotten older, it becomes so much harder to lose weight
In the past two months I have gained about 8kg
I've gained a kg a week
Which leaves me at 48 kg







Can you notice much of a difference?

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