Gadgets Magazine

4 Things You Didn’t Know About the Galaxy Note 4

Posted on the 20 January 2015 by Anna Peterson

If you own a Samsung Galaxy Note 4, then you have probably figured out some of its tricks and features by now, but here are a couple of things you might not have known about your premium device. :)

1. Forgot your S Pen? Don’t worry, the Note 4 will notify you

S Pen Alerts

The S Pen is an important part of Samsung’s Note series, but it is also really small, and most of us sometimes forget to put it back into the phone. Don’t worry, though: the Samsung Galaxy Note comes with a feature called “S Pen Alerts”, which sends you notifications in case this happens. This feature is automatically turned on, but if you don’t want to receive alerts, you can easily turn it off.

2. Make sure not to lose your Note 4

The Note 4 is a large phone and it might be difficult to imagine losing it, but hey, that can happen, too. If you want to protect yourself against theft or make finding your phone easier if you lose it, you just have to activate the Android Device Manager.

3. Let your Note 4 detect sounds

Galaxy Note 4 Sounds

When your phone “hears” your baby crying or someone ringing the doorbell, it notifies you via a vibration or light. It’s a very useful feature, and can also really come in handy for persons that have hearing troubles.

4. Use your phone with gloves

You don’t have to worry about your hands freezing when it’s cold outside – the Note 4 lets you increase touch sensitivity, which means that you can use it with your gloves on.


P.S. Whichever phone you are using, it can become even easier with the right touchscreen gloves!

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