Health Magazine

12 Common Causes Of Depression

By Rojer @healthxwellness

Depression is an extremely complex disease. Some of the common causes of depression which have been identified include the following:

Common Causes Of Depression

Common Causes Of Depression

Like most chronic conditions and their symptoms, there is not one single cause for depression. Depression is definitely a complex disease. It occurs for a variety of reasons. Some people experience depression during a serious medical illness. Others might have depression with life changes such as a move or the death of a loved one. Still others have a family good reputation for depression. Those who do may experience depression and feel overwhelmed with sadness and loneliness without known reason.

When a person is suffering from depression, he’d act in a way he has never done before, he or she would say things that he or she has never said before. This depression has such a powerful impact on the mind that it can change a happy go merry optimistic man right into a pessimist. Although inheritance is an important element in major depression, it does not account for all cases of depression, implying that environmental factors either can play an important causal role or exacerbate underlying genetic vulnerabilities.

What Is Depression?

Sadness or downswings in mood are common reactions to life’s struggles, setbacks, and disappointments. Many people use the term “depression” to explain these kinds of feelings, but depression is a lot more than just sadness.

Some people describe depression as “living in a black hole” or having a feeling of impending doom. However, some depressed people don’t feel sad at all-they may feel lifeless, empty, and apathetic, or men particularly may even feel angry, aggressive, and restless.

What Causes It?

The causes of depression aren’t fully understood, but we do realize that a combination of psychological, social, genetic and biological factors can bring about its development. Some people have an increased risk of developing depression, because of their genes, biology or personality type. It doesn’t mean these people will automatically develop depression, however in these cases stressful or traumatic events are more likely to trigger an episode of depression.

Nobody is certain what causes depression. Experts say depression is caused by a combination of factors, such as the person’s genes, their biochemical environment, personal experience and psychological factors. Some of the common causes of depression that have been identified include the following:

Biological Differences

People with depression have the symptoms of physical changes in their brains. The significance of these changes continues to be uncertain, but may eventually help pinpoint causes.


People having a history of depression in their close family members might have an increased risk of developing depression, because of genetic factors. No single gene is responsible, but it might be caused by a combination of genes.

Poor Nutrition

A poor diet can bring about depression in several ways. A variety of vitamin and mineral deficiencies are recognized to cause symptoms of depression. Researchers have also discovered that diets either low in omega-3 fatty acids or by having an imbalanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 are related to increased rates of depression. Additionally, diets high in sugar have been related to depression.


Changes in the body’s balance of hormones might be involved in causing or triggering depression. Hormone changes migh result from thyroid problems, menopause or perhaps a number of other conditions.

Brain Chemistry

Neurotransmitters are naturally occurring brain chemicals that likely lead to depression. When these chemicals are out of whack, it may be associated with depressive symptoms.

Serious Medical Illness

The ongoing worry and stress related to having a long-term illness can take its toll and result in depression. Some medical illnesses or medications may also directly trigger depression.

Circadian Rhythm Disturbance

One type of depression, called seasonal affective disorder, is considered to be caused a disturbance within the normal circadian rhythm of the body. Light entering the eye influences this rhythm, and, during the shorter times of winter, when people may spend short time outdoors, this rhythm may become disrupted.

Changes In The Brain

Some people with depression have been shown to have abnormal levels of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) such as serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine. Antidepressants that change these levels can be effective in treatment, but further research is required to determine the exact role of brain chemicals.


Smoking has long been associated with depression, though it’s a chicken-or-egg scenario: People who’re depression-prone may be more likely to take up the habit of smoking. However, nicotine is known to affect neurotransmitter activity within the brain, resulting in higher levels of dopamine and serotonin (also is the mechanism of action for antidepressant drugs).

Drugs, Both Legal And Illegal

Several prescription drugs have been reported to cause symptoms of depression. Additionally, a variety of drugs of abuse have been related to depression symptoms.



Female Sex Hormones

It has been widely documented that women are afflicted by major depression about twice as often as men. Since the incidence of depressive disorders peaks during women’s reproductive years, it is considered that hormonal risk factors may be to blame. Women are especially vulnerable to depressive disorders during times when their hormones are in flux, such as at about the time of their menstrual period, childbirth and perimenopause. Additionally, a woman’s depression risk declines after she experiences menopause.

Drug And Alcohol Use

Can worsen depression, and sometimes results in a vicious cycle when substance abuse is used as a coping mechanism. Depression and substance abuse often occur together and treatment is much more likely to succeed if drugs and alcohol are avoided.

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