Life Coach Magazine

11 Things I Learned from the Book “Steal Like An Artist”

By Bonirulzz @bonirulzz

Steal Like An ArtistLast week I finished reading the book “Steal Like An Artist” written by Austin Kleon.

I never intended reading this book at first, but one day,a blogpost on Buffer referred to this book and I clicked on the link given in the blog and as it was not pricey and the book overview was interesting. I downloaded the eBook. I didn’t read it until two weeks and then when I had nothing to do, I started reading the book. The book is very well written, you will find images on almost all pages and it is very easy to consume. 

It basically took me 10 hours spread over a week to complete reading the book. It was a cool book and I would love to share with you 10 things I learned from the same.

  • Nothing is Original: Austin very well puts it “Nothing is Original” and if you think its original you don’t know the references or the original source involved.

What is originality? Undetected Plagiarism

-William Ralph Inge

  • Every new idea is an improvised version of an old idea: Whatever you see in this world, anything! It’s actually an improvised version of its old one.
  • Steal Ideas: Stealing is not bad.

“Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic.” —Jim Jarmusch

  • You’re ready. Start Making stuff: Don’t wait till you discover yourself, don’t wait for that one perfect opportunity. Just go ahead and start making your stuff. Create stuffs you want to create.
  • Fake it till you Make it: Fake it till you become successful, if you want to be someone fake it till you are already that person. Fake it till people start seeing you that way!
  • Perfect Copy: There’s is nothing like a perfect copy! Human mind is incapable of creating a perfect copy!
  • About Writing: Write your first draft on paper and not on your computer/ laptop. Digital devices are good for editing ideas and creating a perfect copy but they ain’t good for generating new ideas.
  • Be Nice: The world is a small place and you want to be nice with everyone.
  • Surround yourself with Talented people: You are 1/5th of the people are you. If you want to be successful surround yourself with successful people.
  • Be Boring: Do you routine job, be a 9-5ish, That’s the only way you will discover yourself and be creative
  • Keep Your Day Job: Day Job gives your money and freedom from financial stress.

Find it interesting? Buy it on Amazon.

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