Hair & Beauty Magazine

10 Good Reasons to Be Happy...

By Kittyfairy @KittyFairy
One. Someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it.

10 Good Reasons to be Happy...

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Two. This morning, you woke up which means that it's time for the real dreams to begin

10 Good Reasons to be Happy...

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Three. After every storm, after every cloudy skyThe Sun is always close behind

10 Good Reasons to be Happy...

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Four. No matter who you are, or where you goThere will always be new things waiting to be discovered

10 Good Reasons to be Happy...

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Five.The days might be dark and dreary now,But at least it will soon be Christmas ;)

10 Good Reasons to be Happy...

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 Six.If you've had your heart broken,At least you know how it feels to have loved

10 Good Reasons to be Happy...

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Seven.Karma is gonna get those bitches that dared to hurt youOne day...

10 Good Reasons to be Happy...

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Eight.Someone thinks that you are beautiful...Just the way you are...

10 Good Reasons to be Happy...

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Nine.Hope might seem lost,But you just need to search harder to find it.

10 Good Reasons to be Happy...

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Ten.Beauty is Everywhere.In the Trees. In the Birds. In the person on the train.Just open your eyes, and see it.

10 Good Reasons to be Happy...

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